The Story of Protest: Margaret Atwood (Canada) in conversation with Julia Fermentto Tzaisler Photo: Luis Mora

The Story of Protest: Margaret Atwood (Canada) in conversation with Julia Fermentto Tzaisler

Sunday 7.5
19:00 - 20:00

The event will be broadcast on Facebook. Viewing is free, no registration necessary

Margaret Atwood is one of the greatest writers of our time.  Her 1985 book "The Handmaid's Tale”, which was turned into a successful TV series, was screened during Donald Trump’s rise to power. The timing was perfect: overnight the image of women clad in red robes became a symbol of the struggle for women’s rights, and Margaret Atwood became a kind of apocalyptic prophet who foresaw the rise of the extreme right. Ezra Klein, a New York Times senior journalist, wrote that “a good rule of thumb is that whatever Margaret Atwood is worried about now is likely what the rest of us will be worried about a decade from now.” 

Atwood is also an acclaimed poet, essayist and social activist who is strongly involved in the climate crisis and in social-political issues.  

The writer and Artistic Director of the Jerusalem International Writers Festival, Julia Fermentto Tzaisler, spoke to Atwood about her dystopian work, the literary symbol she created which without warning became one of the strongest symbols of our time, about literature and protest, and also about the political situation in Israel.


  • The event will be conducted in English, with Hebrew subtitles.
  • The event will be broadcast on Facebook.
  • Viewing is free, no registration necessary.
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