Account of a Minor and Ultimately Even Negligible Episode in the History of a (Very) Famous Family Joshua Cohen- Photo: Marion Ettlinger

Account of a Minor and Ultimately Even Negligible Episode in the History of a (Very) Famous Family

Supported by The U.S. Embassy in Israel and the American Center in Jerusalem


Tuesday 17.5
De Botton Auditorium, Mishkenot Sha'ananim Cultural Center

This event is part of the Marie Residency Program


Joshua Cohen (USA) is one of the most prominent voices in American literature today. His novel The Netanyahus was hailed by critics as one of the best books of 2021. It is based on a tragicomic meeting that took place in 1959 between renowned literary critic Harold Bloom and historian Benzion Netanyahu when the latter was seeking a position at Cornell University and the former was asked to play chaperone to him during a visit. According to Cohen, he heard the story from Bloom before his death, and decided to turn it into an allegory about the relations between Israeli and American Jewry.

Benny Ziffer, editor of the Culture and Literature Supplement of Haaretz, will talk with Cohen about Benzion Netanyahu’s teachings, the conflicts inherent in contemporary Jewish identity, and the Gordian knot between Israel and the United States.


  • The event will be held in English.
  • Tickets may also be purchased at the offices of Eventer at *6627. (The ticket price will include an additional handling fee of NIS5.)
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