The Horror of Motherhood: Véronique Olmi in Conversation with Dorit Shiloh Photo: Canetti Studio, Joël Saget

The Horror of Motherhood: Véronique Olmi in Conversation with Dorit Shiloh

With the support of the Institut Français Israel 

Thursday 19.5

The event is online - Viewing is free

The French novella Beside the Sea (2001), written by author and playwright Véronique Olmi (France), describes one bitter day in the life of a woman, a single mother on the verge of collapse, who decides to take particularly extreme action to cope with her situation. The book, for which Olmi received the prestigious Prix Alain-Fournier emerging artist award, became the subject of a heated debate in Israel even before it was published in Hebrew. In 2021, it came to be associated with a literary discussion that involved Israeli the novel Tomorrow We’ll Go to the Amusement Park (2018).
Dr. Dorit Shiloh, translator, a scholar of French literature, and a literary agent will talk with Olmi about motherhood as an ongoing crisis and the shattering of the myth of the “good mother” in literature and life.


  • The event will be held in French with Hebrew subtitles.
  • The event will be streamed on Facebook.
  • Viewing is free of charge. No registration is required.
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