The Jewish King of Warsaw: Szczepan Twardoch (Poland) in conversation with Michal Zamir Photo: Zuza Krajewska, Vardi Kahana

The Jewish King of Warsaw: Szczepan Twardoch (Poland) in conversation with Michal Zamir

Thursday 11.5
20:30 - 22:00

In our collective imagination, Jews in Poland between the two World Wars were all devout and God-fearing. In reality, Jewish life in Warsaw was darker and much more complex. “King” the latest book by Polishauthor, Szczepan Twardoch, shines an unexpected spotlight on that life. It is a dizzying and bloody crime novel that focuses on Yakub Shapira, a Jewish gangster and professional boxer who mercilessly murders gentiles and Jews indiscriminately. Alongside the description of the violence in Warsaw’s Jewish underworld in the 1930s, Twardoch masterfully sketches the growing anti-Semitism in Polish society on the eve of World War II. Journalist Michal Zamir will talk to Twardoch about the Jewish underworld in Poland, the extensive

research he did to write the book, and his surprising choice of a subject to write about.


An event that forms part of the special series “On Political Turmoil and Human Destiny”, in collaboration with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Israel and dedicated to an examination of the impact of political storms on the life of the ordinary citizen - and their reflection in literature. How or even can we change our destiny with our own hands? The two sessions of the series were created taking account of the turbulent political reality in Israel and in other parts of the world.  


:For the other event in the series


Salaam Iran: Golnaz Hashemzadeh Bonde (Iran/Sweden) in conversation with Liraz Charhi


  • The event will be in English.
  • Seating is unmarked.
  • Tickets may also be purchased at Eventer, Tel: *6627
  • Entrance to Djanogli Hall is adjacent to the Touro Restaurant entrance, 2 S.A. Nakhon Street

In cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation & the Polish Institute 


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