A scandal called Vladimir: Julia May Jonas (U.S.A.) in conversation with Dana Spector Photo: Adam Sternbergh, Shai Franko, Michael Topyol

A scandal called Vladimir: Julia May Jonas (U.S.A.) in conversation with Dana Spector

Monday 8.5
20:00 - 21:30

Julia May Jonas is a playwright and theatre personality from New York. During the Covid-19 epidemic, when she had no work, she sat down to write her debut novel, “Vladimir.” Immediately upon its release, the book sparked a literary scandal, captivated thousands of readers, and was translated into numerous languages. The plot follows two literature lecturers whose tranquil life is instantly upended when a petition appears calling for the husband’s dismissal, due to past relationships with female students. In this dizzying and daring novel, May Jonas delves deeply into everything we think about cancel culture, relationships with subordinates, and the process of learning lessons from the Me Too movement. Journalist Dana Spector will talk with her about feminine sexuality after 50, changing gender norms, and sexual harassment in the gray zone. The actress Noa Koler will read selected passages from the novel.



  • The event will be in English
  • Tickets may also be purchased at Eventer, Tel: *6627


With the support of U.S. Embassy in Israel and the American Center





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