
The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation

The Jerusalem Foundation: Shai Doron, President; Adv. Imry Ben Ami, Acting CEO; Ruth Diskin, Director of Projects and Culture; Liat Rosner, Spokesperson, Yinon Oz Ari, Finance Director; Sagit Avitan, Personnel Director; Noy Yoshia, Executive Assistant to the CEO.

The Dwek Family, Milano, Geneva, London

Claudia Davidoff and Joseph Kahan, Cambridge, Massachusetts


Gilbert De Botton

The Ministry of Culture and Sport: Miki Zohar, Minister of Culture and Sport; Kfir Swisa, Director General; Galit Wahba-Shasho, Director of the Culture Administration; Maria Yariv, Director of the Literature Department; Zohar Zafrani, Director of the Literature Department

The Jerusalem Municipality: Moshe Leon, Mayor; Ariela Rejwan, Head of the Culture, Society, and Sports Administration; Nava Disenchik, Adviser to the Mayor on Cultural Affairs; Tamar Berliner, Culture and Arts Manager; Eli Cohen, Director of the Department for the Promotion of Culture and Art Projects; Mazal Mordechai Shazo, Senior Rapporteur for the Promotion of Cultural Institutions and Cultural Projects


Delegation of the European Union to the State of Israel:  Eduardo Fernandez-Zincke, First Counsellor, Head of Cooperation Section


EUNIC Israel: Dr. Carola Dürr (Goethe-Institut), President; Elena Keidošiūtė (Lithuanian Embassy), Vice President


Goethe-Institut: Kerstin Malka-Winter


French Embassy and the French Institue: Frédéric Journès, the French ambassador in Israel;  Stéphanie Souffir, Director of the Literature Department at the French Institute

Romanian Cultural Institute: Mr. Martin Salamon- Director; Maria Minerva Roșca - Project manager; Ana Maria Mărgineanu - Project manager


Greek Embassy in Israel: Kyriakos Loukakis, Ambassador. 


The Beracha Foundation: Dr. Tali Yariv-Mashal, Director; Adi Bril, Project Manager

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cultural Diplomacy Division: Nurit Tinari, Head of Bureau, Culture Diplomacy; Anat Gilead, Director of the Arts Department; Revital Ben-Naim, Head of Literature Desk



Works from the Doron Sebbag Art Collection, ORS Ltd, Curator, ORS Collection - Doron Sebbag; Ravit Harary, Curator; Tami Gilat, director of the collection

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung: Dr. Thomas Volk, Director; Palina Kedem, Senior Project Manager

Beit Venezia: Prof. Shaul Bassi

Jerusalem Cinematheque: Navot Barnea, editor of the program, Roni Mahadev-Levin,  Acting CEO

Adraba Bookshop: Yonatan Brezner


Sha’ananim Board of Directors: Ruth Cheshin, Chairman; Adv. Zvi Agmon; Prof. Miron H. Izakson; Avraham Asheri; Zachi Becker; Adv. Imry Ben Ami; Shai Doron; Ruth Diskin; Dan Halperin; Dan Mimran; Dror Mishani; Adv. Hedva Foguel; Modi Friedman; Adv. Ilan Shavit; Dany Reik

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